Doug Waller

Standing in the Shadows

STANDING IN THE SHADOWS, by Doug Waller (2013)

Imagine discovering that you are not alone in the barn like you thought you were, but something huge is in there with you... or while deer hunting in the hills and hollows of southeastern Ohio you hear screams coming from the darkened woods that send shivers down your spine! What is that dark shape ahead? Is it a tree? Or rock? Or is it something else? Someone or something standing in the shadows...

Click on the image to see an excerpt from page 22 of Standing in the Shadows.

This is Doug Waller's first of six books about Bigfoot. He has also written Hidden Encounters (2015), Screams in the Night (2016)Bigfoot Reports (2019), Silent Forest (2020), and Stolen Serenity (2023)The author lives in Norwich, Ohio.

You'll find all the author's books in the DOUG WALLER COLLECTION.

You can follow Mr. Waller on his Facebook page.

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